Mt. Everest - 8848 metres

Mt. Everest - 8848 metres
Apex Of the wOrld - Lies in Nepal

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Nepalese culture, community and religion!!!

The culture of Nepal is a assemblage of music, architecture, religion and literature. This mountain kingdom is multi-ethic and multi-lingual. The land is rich with unique cultural groups like Tharu,Yadav, Ahir, Newars and others. 

The people of Indo-Aryan community are the original inhabitants of Nepal. No wonder their descendents form the majority even now. Other major groups in Nepal are Gurungs and Magars who live mainly in the western region; Rais, Limbus and Sunwars who live in the eastern mid hills; Sherpas, Manangpas and Lopas who live near the mountains of Everest, Annapurna and Mustang respectively.

Religion in Nepal is not only a system of social coherence based on certain rituals and beliefs, rather it is the binding force that ties the mountain kingdom together. Though Nepal is famous, as the world's only Hindu Kingdom, equal respect is given to other religions as well. Buddhism is the second largest religion followed in Nepal, others being Tantrism, Islam and Christianity.

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It's me!!!

Sunsari, Eastern Region, Nepal
I am basically a simple , down to earth, fun loving and bit shy gal, whom others consider as sincere and friendly too. But they also consider me as modest, and I don’t know whether I am all this or not :-)