Mt. Everest - 8848 metres

Mt. Everest - 8848 metres
Apex Of the wOrld - Lies in Nepal

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Nepal Tourism Year 2011

 "Naturally Nepal, Once is not enough!" - This is the slogan of Tourism Year 2011 - Nepal. Nature has given plentiful tourism resources to Nepal. The natural scenery, high mountains, incomparable cultural heritage, art, culture and numerous specialities have made Nepal a well-known destination in world tourism map with a distinct image of its own. Almost all world’s climate and ecosystem is available in Nepal, moreover cultural, geographical, ethnic and bio-diversities of the country allure international visitors to Nepal time and again, which truly substantiate the spirit of Nepal tourism brand. On the other hand, Nepalese people are considered as a very loyal, humble and very respectful towards visitors.  If you have not visited Nepal till yet then you must visit this beautiful country once. otherwise, you'll miss some amazing and unbelievable facts regarding nepal. so, please come to Nepal and enjoy it's natural beauty.

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It's me!!!

Sunsari, Eastern Region, Nepal
I am basically a simple , down to earth, fun loving and bit shy gal, whom others consider as sincere and friendly too. But they also consider me as modest, and I don’t know whether I am all this or not :-)